Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2 Year Wedding Anniversary

Today is our two year wedding anniversary!  We took the day and headed to Fort Kaskaskia and had a picnic.  While down at the historic location of the first state capital, we took a walk through the Garrison Hill Cemetery.  It's quite interesting to think that all the people that are laid to rest in the cemetery had to be moved from their original burial ground in the old city of Kaskaskia because the Mississippi changed its course.  Overall, it was a sunny, beautiful day, and we had a lot of fun enjoying nature and a little bit of area history.        


Kelly Roehrkasse

Congratulation on anniversary #2. I thought about you and Dave this morning, but sorry, there's no gift from me. Unfortunately, I did not leave the house at all today. Sounds like you two had a lovely day!


Thank you for the well wishes. We did have a nice time! It was such a nice day, how could we not enjoy it? :)

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