Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Good Ol' Days

Where does the time go?

Dave and I have very busy lives.  Teaching and going to school has quickly eaten up two of our years on this planet.  Every now and then I force myself to STOP and take a look around.  Today, as I was working on an assignment, my "little" sister called me up.  I say "little" because "little" she is no more.  She is growing into a young lady right before my very eyes.  After my phone conversation today, I had one of those STOP moments when I had to take time to relish in memories...

I still remember the day and moment my mom told me she was pregnant.  We were on a back country road making our way into town.  She asked me, "Steph, do you want to have a little friend to play with?"  Of course I wanted friends to play with because at this point I was almost 10 years old and an only child living 15 miles from just about everything.  Then she told me little Miss Morgan was on the way.  That day changed my life forever...

Beings that I am ten years older, I like to joke that I am the "built in babysitter".  Which, actually, I was and still am.  Don't get me wrong though... I enjoy and cherish the time I get to spend with my sister.  I know that soon things will change as she gets her license and eventually heads off to college to begin a life of her own.  But for now, she's still mine!

I like to think that my lil sis and I make each other better people.  Knowing that I was and still am a role model has always kept me on the straight and narrow.  I take my job as a sister very seriously!  I also like to think that between Dave and I, we are setting a good example for Morgan as she begins to make important, and sometimes difficult life decisions.  I like to think that not only does she have a "cool" big sister, but also one that she can always look up to.  I know she wants to follow in my footsteps (not teaching though...), and nothing makes me prouder.

I'm thankful to be blessed with such a beautifully talented lil sis!

Love ya Morg!
(no more shoving...PROMISE)



this is seriously soooo sweet! how fun to have a little sister...i always wanted one, but got stuck with an older brother :( he is fun too though. But, what a special gift you have, and i am sure she looks up to you so much! such a cute little photo of you two. :)

Also, thank you so much for showing me those vintage style camera bags! oh my word, i LOVE them! seriously, i am gonna have to ask for that next Christmas! for sure :) I have my eye on the brown or black one with the flower, can't decide, they are all so cute! i would take them all :) thanks again!

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