Sunday, September 4, 2011

Last Days of Summer

Summer is fading away... well at least let's hope the heat will be going soon!  This holiday weekend represents the last of the summer holidays, so what better to represent this time of the year than a few photos!

This was taken at one of my favorite local parks.  The location has several willow trees, which are sooo dreamy when the sun is low in the sky.

Ok, I seriously am in LOVE with this photo, and I promise it's not just because I took it.  I just love all that is represents.  The fading sun, summer bugs flitting around, and the park bench.  It is summer in every way, shape, and form.  At least in my mind it is.

Dave and I will be celebrating the holiday weekend tomorrow with his family.  Tonight we went for dinner with my parents & sis.  We are so blessed to be so close with our families.  Lately I've been realizing more and more just how lucky we are.

Life is Good.  Enjoy it.


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