Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Life as a Teacher

Well, once again it's been awhile since my last post. Dave and I have been doing school, school, and more school. Our day to day has been filled with starting our action research project for our master's, planning the EAC basketball season, and going on our fall field trips. A couple weeks ago, I took my kiddos to Cahokia Mounds and Soulard Market. We had a beautiful day with sunshine and warm temperatures. It was a busy day, but a good one at that. Well I'm off to go prepare for tomorrow!!



Hey :)

Sorry I didn't reply to your text....I completely forgot about it!!!

Are you having people over the day of Halloween??? I think we are going to go to Calhoun so Zoey can show off her costume to great-grandparents & grandparents....let me know what day you were planning....

miss you guys :)

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