Tuesday, December 21, 2010


It's been a tough couple of days, and ironically these days are the ones that I stop and remember how lucky I am to be living the life I'm living.  Even on the toughest days, I know I have the most loving family to come home to!  

The hubs and my two springer spaniel pups always manage to cheer me up and constantly remind me of how much I am loved.  Ralph and Ferdy should be called snuggle spaniels for all the lovin' they do on a daily basis.  No matter what, I know I come home to hugs and happiness (and stinky puppy kisses).
That's such a good feeling...

It's been awhile since Ralph and Ferdy have made an appearance...  They'll be popping up more frequently over Christmas break because they are some of my favorite photography subjects.

Mr. Ferd Man Out Enjoying the Freshly Fallen Snow
Number 2

Ralph Doing His Best Pouty Face to Be Let Back Inside
Number 1

Off to snuggle with the fam now...



I hope things get easier in the coming days.

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